14 September 2022, London, England/The Hague, Netherlands.
MDY Legal and Surya Advisory announce the launch of a strategic collaboration on human rights for business, including a just transition to a low carbon economy and ESG.
MDY Legal and Surya Advisory announce the launch of a strategic collaboration on human rights for business, including a just transition to a low carbon economy and ESG.
We are living in times of extraordinary change for business and society. There is an increasing expectation that all organisations be sustainable and responsible – regardless of size or sector. Many organisations are already on their way to achieving this, whilst others are just starting on this journey. Our strategic collaboration will enable us to provide additional support to businesses as they seek to embed human rights throughout their organisation. We can provide support across a broad spectrum of human rights and ESG issues, including climate change, supply chains, workers (including modern slavery), impact on local communities, indigenous rights, and prevention of corruption. We have over three decades of combined experience in providing legal, policy and governance solutions to commercial businesses, financial institutions, governments, international organisations, NGOs and philanthropies, largely in emerging markets. MDY Legal and Surya have shared values grounded in the role of law to ensure that we all ‘do no harm’ and our collaboration will enable us to combine our skills and experience to provide a unique legal approach to support business and other stakeholders on their sustainability journey.
“Surya Advisory and MDY Legal have shared values and a natural synergy for ethical legal advice. I am thrilled to collaborate on bringing knowledge and solutions grounded in the rule of law, rights and ESG to responsible businesses and other organisations. This is the most resilient way for avoiding legal risk”, says Dr. Kinnari Bhatt of Surya Advisory.
“MDY Legal has a long history of supporting clients on responsible business issues and we are very excited to work with Surya and expand our activities in this area, particularly as we all feel more and more the impacts of climate change and become increasingly aware of human rights abuses across the globe. Lawyers have a key role to play in helping businesses understand and respond to human rights risks in their activities and with Surya we can provide a wider range of meaningful support to our clients.”
About MDY Legal
MDY Legal is a multidisciplinary law firm providing legal advisory and governance services. Established in 1987, MDY Legal is widely known for its specialist understanding of government and the third sector in the UK and in developing countries. We have developed a highly regarded expertise in advising on the structuring, establishment, procurement and financing of social and economic development initiatives, including ethical operating policies and procedures.
About Surya Advisory
Surya Advisory is the first of a kind independent legal advisory focused on providing ethical legal advice and research for business, government and civil society on human rights (including ESG) and just transition. For more information see www.suryaadvisory.com.
More information Kinnari Bhatt kinnari@suryaadvisory.com. Diane Harris diane.harris@mdy.co.uk.